Expert translator and interpreter appointed by the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal

nathalie avédissian traductrice assermentée

When do you need a sworn translator?

A sworn translator is a court expert. An Expert Translator is appointed by a Court of Appeal or the Cour de cassation (the supreme court in France) and registered on a list of experts for one or more languages in which they are authorised to translate. If an authority or public service asks you for a certified translation by a sworn translator, you need to contact one of these Expert Translators.

What is a Certified Translation?

A translation is official and certified when both the translation and the original document are affixed with the sworn translator’s signature and stamp, and a unique registration number. These three elements guarantee that the translation will be deemed genuine and accepted by the relevant authorities.

Looking for a sworn translator in the Toulon region to translate your official documents (e.g. civil status records, driving licence, diplomas, will, contract, correspondence, website) in English or Spanish?

As an Expert translator and interpreter appointed by the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal, I can provide certified translations of all your official documents.

Certified translation of all your official and legal documents

I can provide a specialised translation service for all your legal, financial, business and administrative documents.

Feel free to contact me to find out more about translating your strategic and official documents.

In France, many documents may need a certified translation by a sworn translator in a variety of sectors. I specialise in the following fields:


Professional translation and certification of official documents

Business and Finance

Accurate and reliable translations of your financial reports and other strategic business documents

External Communication

All your communication adapted to the needs of your non-French-speaking stakeholders

Human Resources and Internal Communication

Communication and people at the centre of your interactions


Translation services for your international environmental projects

Real Estate

Support for all your real-estate projects

nathalie avédissian interprète judiciaire à toulon

Official Translation
Quality Guaranteed

Your certified translation in seven key steps

  1. You send me the document to be translated, generally by email. I acknowledge receipt and then prepare a quote based on the size of the document and the time it will take to translate. You receive the quote by email.


  1. Once you have accepted the translation service, I do the translation using all the necessary technical resources, including in-house glossaries to guarantee the consistency of translated terms.


  1. During the translation process, I may ask you to confirm certain words that will be used in your document. Work on terminology is generally done in parallel to the translation process.


  1. After completing your translation, I review it by comparing the two documents and checking for consistency.


  1. After review, the translation is proofread to correct any mistakes I may have overlooked when translating. I pay particular attention to the readability and fluency of my translations, to create a text that does not appear to be translated.


  1. If you require a certified translation, I affix my sworn translator’s stamp onto the original and its translation together with a unique registration number, which I also record in a register of certified translations. As an expert translator, I can also legalise my signature and handle any apostille requirements.


  1. I deliver the translated document to you by email or post, or you can collect it from my office. After that, I remain available for any further help you may require.


For a translation to be genuine, certified and admissible, both the translation and the original document must be affixed with the expert translator’s signature and stamp and a unique registration number.



Quentin LAN
Quentin LAN
4 Juin 2024
Nathalie Avédissian est une traductrice très professionnelle avec qui j'ai la chance de pouvoir faire un stage dans le cadre de mes études et apprendre auprès d'elle est un réel plaisir ! Je recommande !
3 Juin 2024
je suis passé plusieurs fois par Mme Avédissian , pour des traductions et légalisations en vus d'un mariage à l'étranger , très bien accueillis , traductions parfaites et légalisations de sa signature sur les copies traduites , personne assermentée !!! le gros + Mme Avédissian a pris soins de m'aider et me conseiller du mieux qu'elle pouvait par ces conseils et quelques coups de téléphone auprès de l'ambassade en question . pour les prix , rien d'excessif , délais respectés . que dire de plus .... je recommande à 100% merci pour votre professionnalisme et votre accueil chaleureux Jérémy B
olive G
olive G
9 Mai 2024
Madame Avédissian Nathalie est une traductrice professionnelle particulièrement remarquable. Rigoureuse, fiable elle réalisera tous vos travaux de traduction avec le plus grand sérieux et professionnalisme. Elle assure l’intégralité de la prestation : traduction, légalisation de la signature et apostille auprès de la Cour d’appel d’Aix en Provence. Je vous recommande tout particulièrement ce professionnel assermenté. J’aurai souhaité lui attribuer la note de 6/5.
Srijana Shrestha
Srijana Shrestha
29 Avril 2024
Wow I was so impressed on her profession to translate in other languages.
Mohan Shrestha
Mohan Shrestha
29 Avril 2024
She is so experienced lady who can translate many language English, Spanish,etc.she has won our heart for help.
Sharon Pardavé
Sharon Pardavé
20 Avril 2024
Nathalie es una gran profesional y gran ser humano☺️. Estoy sumamente satisfecha con el servicio de traducción oficial, su equipo demostró un profesionalismo excepcional al traducir mis documentos de manera precisa y puntual. La calidad de su trabajo superó mis expectativas y definitivamente los recomendaría a cualquier persona en busca de servicios de traducción confiables y de alta calidad 🔝
Serhat Işık
Serhat Işık
20 Avril 2024
Nathalie gerçekten mükemmel bir şekilde işini yapıyor ve çok dakik bir insan herkese tavsiye ediyorum ispanyolca, fransizca ve İngilizce dil tercümanligında bence bir numara
Jean Sonia
Jean Sonia
19 Avril 2024
Très bon service de traduction. Réponse à ma demande rapide et efficace ! J'ai reçu les documents par mail et par courrier à ma demande, parfait !
nathalie cora
nathalie cora
18 Avril 2024
Très sérieuse et avec une super réactivité;